What considerations should Parents have when signing up Enrichment Class for Kids in Singapore?
School Holiday season has started. Enrichment class also starting?
After a whole year of battling with school work, finally a chance for the kids to rest and play. To me, as a father of three, I always believe there should be ‘study-play’ balance. Just like ‘work-life’ balance that we wanted to achieve as a working class adult. Ironically, many parents do not preach this concept for their kids. Parents will not slack down. They will start to search for ‘holiday’ program for their kids. I’m no difference from many parents in Singapore. I do the same.
However, I believe in striking a balance. When searching for short enrichment class for my kid, I always look at a few things:
What I want my kid to achieve from attending the class?
Take for example, my son has weak physics and lack discipline. I’m signing him up for Wushu for 3 months versus a 3-day Badminton Camp. The reason is, Wushu will help build up his health and brush up his discipline during coaching process. The 3-day Badminton Camp is dropped because I questioned what can he learn after 3 days? Can he play badminton well after 3 days? Perhaps, but that is not very crucial. Not to be mistaken, I do not mean the Badminton Camp is not good at all. Just that it does not meet my goal for my kid.
Will the enrichment class be too much for my kid to handle?
Referencing my kid again. As the Wushu class will stretched till Feb 2013, my consideration is will it be too tiring for him when school reopen. Considering that it is only once per week, I think it should be fine. Having a little exercise will also boost up his attentiveness. Again, this ‘attentiveness’ is another factor my son is lacking.
Finally, is this enrichment class align to my kid’s interest?
To be honest, this time the answer is ‘No’. I used to sign him up based
on his interest. I’m a firm believer of seeking interest alignment with my kid. As far as possible, if my son has an interest in something, I’ll try my best to expose him. For example, he had interest in playing guitar. I signed him up for Yamaha Music School to learn. His interest died after attending just basic music lessons. Then his interest shifted to drawing. I signed him up for Haroobee Arts School. He opted out after 2 years. He is still drawing every now and then on his own. He still loves it. So back to the question, why did I ‘force’ him this time round? Well, I see it as a small ‘forcing’ since the duration is only for 3 months. I have no plans of furthering it if by then he still has no interest in this.
Many parents have their own considerations when signing up enrichment class(es) for their kids. My approach is to engage my kids in the selection process. Communication is vital as kids in this generation understands parents’ intention.
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